Sights of Evpatoria


As soon as tourists get tired of the monotonous beach holiday, they begin to look for how to diversify their vacation leisure. Some people prefer to go exploring the area. Others devote themselves to active (water and air) tourism. Someone actively attends field excursions. There are also supporters of gastronomic travel: the cuisine of the peninsula is very diverse. And some of the guests choose cultural tourism. And for them the sights of Evpatoria are a great option. Memorable places of the ancient city are located compactly, and the historical part is easy to get around on foot.

Park "Crimea in miniature"

This is an amazing project that allows you to see all the interesting places of Crimea, grouped in one place. The palaces and parks are made on a scale of 1:25, and all architectural structures are observed with precision. The work was carried out by the architectural studio Model-Studio.

The territory occupied by the miniature Crimea is always crowded. This is not surprising: few tourists can travel the entire peninsula in one visit. And here, in 1.5-2 hours of a leisurely walk, it is really possible to get acquainted with the objects of cultural heritage. All the treasures of the sunny peninsula are built in a limited area.

Here you can see the city in miniature:

  • Evpatoria
  • Feodosia
  • Zander
  • Yalta
  • Simferopol
  • Sevastopol
  • Bakhchisarai

But it is especially crowded in the park at dusk. The entire exposition is highlighted with colored garlands. The picture is remembered for a long time.

The park is located on Frunze street, house 8B.


In hot weather or sudden rain, it's nice to visit the local dolphinarium. It is located close to the coast, in a green area. You can get acquainted with amazing animals and see an exciting program throughout the whole year. The dolphinarium began operating in 1996. During the construction of the center, special attention was paid to the pools where the mammals were planned to be kept.

All international standards have been complied with. We also took into account the fact that guests with disabilities will want to attend the performances. Entrance ramps are organized for them. By the way, parents with babies in strollers also pass here.

During the performance, tourists are delighted by artists:

  • beluga whales
  • bottlenose dolphins
  • sea ​​lions
  • seals

The trainers make sure that the guests are interested: a new program with fresh numbers is prepared every year. You can also swim with amazing mammals. A special rehabilitation program has been developed (together with doctors). And as a keepsake, you can buy a souvenir at the kiosk.

Dolphinarium is located on Kievskaya street, house 19/20.

Water park "U Lukomorya"

The water park U Lukomorye is rightfully called Aqualand. An amazing zone (Aquapley) has been built here, which recreates the scenery of fairy tales. Moreover, everything is organized so realistic and at the same time unpredictable that not only children, but also adult guests of Aqualand experience delight.

Fans of extreme recreation will rush to the crazy slopes. An adrenaline rush is guaranteed on tight bends. And tourists who prefer a quiet rest by the water will stay in the relaxation zone. Here water of different temperature and strength circulates in the pool. This creates a massage effect.

Aqualand pools are unique in their own way. They have different depths and temperatures, because they are designed for children and adults. The bottom of the paddling pools has a special coating, and the water is constantly heated so that the children can swim comfortably. Playgrounds have been built on the shore, where kids frolic while adults relax in sun loungers.

And Aqualand offers guests a free transfer. Before visiting, it is recommended to order a taxi and then buy a coupon from the driver. The money spent is returned when purchasing a ticket to the show.

The water park is located at 35 Kirov Street.

Gorky Embankment

The embankment acquired its modern look by 2003, when Evpatoria celebrated its 25th anniversary. Today it is 800 meters of coastal area with excellent sandy beaches, a promenade and an entertainment area. In the 19th century, with the development of balneology, development began near the sea. Some of the buildings that belonged to the Russian nobility still exist.

They have been successfully integrated into the concept by modern architects. Now they house sanatoriums, hotels, a library and a clinic. Those palaces and dachas that were destroyed during the Great Patriotic War were replaced by other buildings.

The central composition of the embankment is the statue of Hercules. He is depicted as having a rest after hard exploits, in his favorite place, on the seashore. Many guests enjoy visiting the park of living sculptures. Monuments can be walked around and touched. And then the statues suddenly come to life.

Playgrounds are arranged behind the promenade for toddlers. In the shade of the alleys, there are benches for adults to rest. There are cafes and restaurants along the entire embankment. Some of them offer dishes of the Crimean Tatar and Karaite cuisines. And at the very end there is a monument to the petrel of the revolution - Maxim Gorky.


The city Aquarium is interesting for everyone: both adults and children. Here are the inhabitants of all the seas of the world.

Guests take a long time to consider:

  • vibrant inhabitants of tropical seas
  • aravana, which is able to jump 3 meters above the surface of the water for prey
  • a fish that looks like a snake, but still a fish
  • pseudoplane striped
  • bright parrot fish
  • shark
  • double breathing protopterus

Sea turtles also swim in aquariums. All containers are elegantly decorated. Terrariums are located next to the aquariums. Iguanas live in them. You can visit the exposition on your own or with a guided tour. The latter is much more interesting: an experienced guide will tell you about the habits of the inhabitants of the depths. But the fun begins when employees start feeding the predators. This spectacle captures the guests.

The aquarium is located on Gorky Street, building 5A, building 1.

Museum "Pirates of the Black Sea"

The exposition will appeal not only to children who dream of traveling to undiscovered islands, but also to their parents. Visitors enter the hall, which represents the hold of the ship. But at the same time the ship is turned upside down.

On the walls and stands, everything used by the Black Sea pirates is displayed:

  • vintage maps
  • navigation devices
  • rigging brigs
  • weapon used in assault on merchant ships

There are interesting documents: maps with marked hidden sites and possible treasures, the Pirate's code of honor. The time spent in the center flies by. But even after finishing the inspection, the guests are in no hurry to leave. In the courtyard there are real ship cannons, bells are hanging. And all this can be not only inspected, but also touched.

The exposition is located at 56, Revolution Street.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The cathedral resembles Hagia Sophia in Istanbul: the lines of the facade are the same. And it can accommodate about 2,000 parishioners. On the site of the modern temple there was a Nikolskaya church. During the Crimean War, she suffered: the domes were knocked down, the services stopped. The nearby mosques looked more well-groomed.

After the victory of Russia, the local Orthodox community came up with a proposal to restore the temple. The emperor allocated almost 40,000 rubles, the rest of the funds were collected by subscription. Archpriest Chepurin donated part of his family's income. The Karaite and Armenian diasporas took part. The construction lasted 7 years, at the end of the 19th century the temple was consecrated. After the October Revolution, the cathedral was closed, but they did not destroy it. It housed Soviet institutions and industries.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, the church was returned to the believers.Today tourists can visit the temple, enjoy the original frescoes and iconostasis. But it is recommended to observe decency so as not to offend the feelings of believers.

The cathedral is located on Tuchina street, house 2.

The Lost World Dinosaur Park

The Lost World features interactive life-size figures of prehistoric lizards. Guests can not only imagine what the ancient inhabitants of the planet looked like, but also see how they move, hear how they growl and breathe.

The lizards are surrounded by original decorations, so there is a complete feeling of moving many millions of years ago. And in the park you can take pictures, conduct video filming. Excellent shots are obtained against the background of dinosaur eggs: a child can crawl into this shell entirely.

Guests are also invited to play paleontologists: those who wish are given a tool for working in a dino-sandbox at the entrance. And there are always artifacts here. You can walk in the Lost World on your own, but it is more interesting to book an excursion. A passionate guide will tell you about all the inhabitants of the park, their habits and diet.

The Lost World is located on Mayakovsky Street, Building 2.

Light and music fountain

The light and music fountain delighted guests and residents of the city on Russia Day in 2017. It was built at the expense of sponsors (Monolit company), the initiator was the Head of Evpatoria. Today, there are many tourists and townspeople at the fountain at dusk. Jets of water from 150 nozzles of varying intensity and color take off into the sky to the music.

The illumination is performed by several circuits of 212 lamps. All this is controlled by automation. The fountain plays melodies of different styles: from classical to modern. The area around the fountain has been landscaped: benches have been placed, paths are lined with paving slabs, flowers and shrubs have been planted.

The light and music fountain is located in the park named after Lenin.

Park them. Frunze

In the 19th century, an active development of balneology began on the southern coast of Crimea. Several sanatoriums were built on the coast. And close to them there was an undeveloped wasteland. In order for the guests undergoing treatment to have the opportunity to walk, the territory was turned into a kind of promenade. And in the twentieth century, sports grounds and swings with carousels appeared in the park.

It's clean and cozy here today. Paths for cyclists and skaters have been laid, equipment rental is organized. The playgrounds and sports grounds are always crowded. And adult vacationers prefer to spend time walking along the shady alleys.

And from the unusual entertainment in the park there is a climbing wall and a paintball center. Younger visitors prefer to spend time in the City of Fairy Tales. This is an absolutely independent sector, where paintings from Russian folk tales, epics, and legends are recreated. A summer theater has also been built on the territory, where concerts are held, festive events are organized.

In order to make guests feel comfortable, there are cafes in the park where you can have an inexpensive and tasty snack. There are fountains with drinking water in the alleys, and there are toilets.

The park is located on Frunze street, building 1.


The arboretum was created by enthusiastic botanists in the 30s of the twentieth century. For the future oasis, an array of land was allocated at some distance from the city: it was planned to create a sanatorium for children here. The soil turned out to be poorly suited for the garden: a thin layer of clay on top, and a powerful shell rock below. It seemed that nothing but dry bushes would grow here. But the biologists from Nikita thought differently.

Work has begun to transform the wasteland into an oasis. Not only endemics were planted, but also plants from other parts of the world. At the same time, paths were planned, fountains and pools were installed. The latter is necessary for irrigation of plantations in conditions of low water and limited precipitation. By the end of the decade, the wasteland had become an exemplary park. But during the occupation of Crimea, everything was destroyed. After the release, the work had to be done again.

Today in the Arboretum there are constantly many walking townspeople and tourists. Here you can admire the flowering of endemics and exotic plants. The once dry land is irrigated with artificial fountains and streams. The Arboretum is quiet and cool even in extreme heat.

The arboretum is located at 43 Frunze Street.

Juma-Jami Mosque

Juma-Jami was designed by a Turkish architect, and the customer was Khan Devlet-Girey himself. Moreover, Khoja Sinan transferred the features of Hagia Sophia, built in Constantinople during the time of Justinian. The similarities are striking to everyone looking at the mosque for the first time. Some historians believe that Khoja Sinan thus demonstrated the clarity of the principle of the peaceful existence of various religions.

Juma-Jami turned out to be light and spacious. But throughout its existence, it was repaired more than once, and not always successfully. Minarets were demolished, and this happened long before the October Revolution. In Soviet times, Juma-Jami ceased to be a mosque, but was recognized as an architectural monument. A museum was organized there. And in the 90s, Juma-Jami was reconstructed. For this, the surviving photographs and drawings were used.

The modern look is fully consistent with historical documents. Juma-Jami is a functioning mosque. Services are held there. But tourists are allowed to enter the territory and inside the building. Anyone can see the sight. But you need to respect the feelings of believers.

Juma-Jami is located on Revolution Street, building 36.

Duvan's house

Semyon Ezrovich Duvan is an honorary citizen of the city, actively participating in the management of Evpatoria. Thanks to his efforts, the city became richer and more beautiful. In 1907, Evpatoria residents named one of the streets Duvanovskaya. His house is aptly inscribed between the cathedral and the mosque. The building is made in a modern style: the facade is decorated with stucco moldings, numerous balconies have elaborate railings.

The building has a triangular profile. An outbuilding is hidden behind an L-shaped bend. Some researchers claim that Semyon Ezrovich's mother lived in the wing. But it is believed that the small building housed the Duvan family.

The house itself was built as a profitable one. All 3 floors were rented out. The first floor housed associations and offices. And 2 others represented residential apartments. Renting an apartment from Duvan was considered prestigious: the architect Seferov, the magistrate and the police chief settled here.

Today, Duvan's house has retained its charm. It is eagerly filmed by directors of feature films and documentaries, tourists are photographed against the background of a richly decorated facade. Unfortunately, the building needs serious renovation. So far, no one has undertaken the implementation of such a large-scale project.

The house is located on Tuchina street, house 1/2.

Gezlev gate

The gate is part of a defensive fortification built by the Turks. At one time it was a serious defense against attack from the sea. 24 fortifications were connected to each other by passages with loopholes. Such a wall controlled all approaches to Gezlev.

Local Tatars quickly settled down around the fortification: the impregnable fortress became the center of trade. The gate became known as the gate of the wood bazaar. They stood for almost 500 years: they withstood the attack of the Cossacks and Russian soldiers, but destroyed them in 1959.

True, part of the fortification was recognized as an architectural monument and was restored at the beginning of the 21st century. Today this amazing place is especially loved by tourists. First, the guests of the city examine the outer perimeter, hold a photo session at the picturesque stones that make up the wall. And then they go inside: there are also many interesting things.

The first floor is occupied by an exposition dedicated to the history of ancient Gezlev. Here you can see a fragment of the old masonry and part of the foundation. There is a cozy cafe on the second floor. The interiors of antiquity have been recreated here.And visitors are invited to try dishes of the Crimean Tatar and Karaite cuisines. And in the neighborhood there are jewelry worn by the women of ancient Gezlev. On the third floor there is a model of the city. Here you can even see the monuments that have survived only in the archives.

Gezlevsky gates are located on Karaeva street, house 13A.

Synagogue Egiya Kapay

This is the first synagogue in the city. It was built at the beginning of the twentieth century on the initiative of the Jewish community. After the last Crimean campaign ended, Jews began to actively populate the peninsula. Schools were built to teach children, but there was no common house for prayer. Money for the construction was collected by subscription, but the city government also allocated funds from the state budget.

The synagogue operated until the early 1930s. Then, during the times of theomachy, it was closed and turned into a warehouse. Egia Kapai was returned to believers only at the end of the 20th century. The reconstruction of the building began. It lasted for several years. Today Egiya Kapai is open to guests. You can walk around the courtyard (the area is very clean and tidy), or you can go inside and inspect the interiors.

The synagogue is located at 36 Prosmushkin Street.

Karaite kenases

The complex was built on the foundations of the 16th century Karaite temple. The buildings (large and small) were designed by the Evpatoria architects, the Babovich brothers. Kenasy means houses in Karaite. But these are not ordinary buildings: they differ from the traditional ones by the abundance of windows. Such buildings are called double-height buildings. Large and Small Kenasas have openings of different shapes and sizes.

And the buildings are connected by an arch built by the same Babovichi. The architecture and interiors of the center are unusual: such buildings no longer exist on the territory of Russia. Services were held in kenasas until the end of the 30s of the twentieth century. Subsequently, the spiritual center was nationalized and closed. But during the Nazi occupation, the services were resumed.

After the liberation of Crimea, Soviet institutions were quartered in kenases. And the Karaites were able to reconstruct the monument only in the late 90s of the twentieth century, having received the complex back. The work was completed only in 2005. Today, tourists can see the kenasas only during the holiday season. It is important to know that it is prohibited to enter the complex in beachwear.

The center is located along Efeta street, building 26G.

Tekie dervishes

Dervishes are wandering monks who profess Islam and deny the power of people and money. And tekie is a monastery where novice dervishes lived. This is the only structure of this type on the peninsula. It is impossible to immediately go on a journey, preach poverty, predict the future, falling into a special trance, and conjure. Young men had to learn everything: this was what they taught in those days.

The center was built in the 15th century. It consisted of:

  • madrasah - schools where the secrets of service were revealed to the novices
  • tekie - cells where the future dervishes lived
  • mosque - prayer house

All these buildings still exist. The monastery existed until the 30s, and then all the buildings were transferred to the navy. The buildings were used as a warehouse and were hardly renovated. Only in the late 90s the complex received the status of a historical monument. This served as a signal for the conservation of buildings. And the reconstruction has not been carried out yet.

Tekie dervishes are located along Karaev Street, house 18.

Memorial complex "Krasnaya Gorka"

Red Hill - an open-air exposition. It is dedicated to the inhabitants of the city who died at the hands of the executioners during the Nazi occupation. The place for the monument was chosen where, after the execution, the bodies of women, old people, and children were dumped. The first opening of the monument took place in 1954. Then a 4-meter statue of a soldier-liberator was installed on the hill.

The soldier knelt down, held a machine gun in one hand, and laid flowers on the grave of his fallen compatriots with the other. This monument has not survived. But for the 40th anniversary of the Victory, reconstruction was carried out. Now the Eternal Flame is burning on Krasnaya Gorka, soldiers are running with weapons. And at the top is a grieving mother.

But Krasnaya Gorka also attracts by the fact that on the territory of the monument you can see military equipment, with the help of which Soviet troops liberated the city, mines, shells and bombs, defused by sappers. And along the perimeter, there are shields on which the tragic events of the occupation and the history of liberation are briefly described.

The memorial is located at the intersection of May 9 and Pobedy Avenue.

House of Wine

The exposition tells about the development of winemaking in Tavrida. Here you can learn about how the first grapes appeared on the peninsula, the introduction of the wild vine into culture, the varieties of modern grapes used for making wine. Particularly tells about the enterprises of the peninsula.

A special place in the center is given to the traditions of Karaite winemaking. Representatives of this people planted vines in all convenient places, even on the territory of temples and mosques. And ancient recipes have been preserved and passed down from generation to generation. The exhibition boasts artifacts such as wine bottles, which were produced to seal products 150 years ago. In the hall there are old alcohol meters, presses for pressing grape juice.

Tourists like that the center has a tasting room. Here you can taste collection and ordinary wines produced by enterprises of Tavrida. And what you like is definitely worth buying in the store.

The exposition is located in the basement room: it is convenient for excursions in the summer heat. The House of Wine is located at 30 Buslaev Street.

Temple of Saint Elijah

The need for another Orthodox cathedral arose when it became clear that the Cathedral of St. Nicholas was not able to accommodate all Orthodox parishioners. Elias Church was built on donations. Semyon Ezrovich Duvan personally donated 400 rubles and presented a bronze chandelier. Money was allocated in parts from the city treasury. Construction proceeded slowly. The Church of St. Elijah was consecrated only in 1918, and the interiors were refined until the 30s of the twentieth century.

The temple belonged to the Greek Orthodox community, so it worked for some time under Soviet rule. But it was also closed due to the fact that formally the owners did not have the funds for repairs. The state also refused to carry out the necessary work. However, the building later housed a warehouse and a gym at various times.

The temple was rebuilt only in 2003. Today it is a cozy church with a well-groomed area. A cross was erected near the church in memory of the Red Terror of 1918. There is a small cafe at the temple, and the Orthodox shop sells pastries, sweets and even ice cream.

The temple is located on Buslaevykh street, building 1B.


To get to the territory of the Tropic Park, you have to go through the jaws of a real dinosaur. This is how the gate is decorated in an original way. And the menagerie itself is a contact zoo, where all children and adults get acquainted with the habits of animals living in the wild. The exhibition is located on 4 floors. The inhabitants are grouped in such a way that, moving from one enclosure to another, guests study the animals in stages.

Here are:

  • raccoons
  • monkeys
  • reptiles and snakes
  • insects
  • fish and marine life
  • birds

It is noteworthy that animals can not only be observed. In Tropic Park, food is sold for each inhabitant. Guests buy it and feed the guest they like. Despite the large number of inhabitants, the walk through the exposition takes about an hour. Therefore, it is not difficult to find time to visit it.

Tropic Park is located on the territory of the City Amusement Park at 43 Tokarev Street.

Museum of the History of the Crimean War

This is a fairly new exposition: it has been operating since 2012. The exhibition presents artifacts and documents related to military operations on the territory of the peninsula in 1853-1856. The events in Evpatoria and its environs are especially highlighted.

At the stands you can see:

  • edged weapons and firearms
  • parts of ship equipment
  • personal belongings of soldiers and officers
  • documents and photos
  • paintings and reproductions
  • The exposition is equipped with the latest technology. The tour is accompanied by light and sound effects: this enhances the perception of information.

The center is located at 61 Revolution Street.

Dacha "Alpine rose"

The Alpine Rose was designed and built by Schrug in 1910. This amazing building resembles a Russian tower in appearance: carved inserts are used in the design of the facade, window openings are decorated in the old Russian style. Once this wonderful house stood in the depths of a shady park, an alley led to the entrance. The territory was decorated with a rose garden and flower beds.

But today everything has changed: the yard is littered with debris, carved parts come off, the frames are exposed entirely. The original interiors have been completely lost. The public of the city is fighting for the reconstruction and preservation of the architectural monument of regional importance.

A possible reason for the desolation was the remoteness of the Alpine Rose from traditional hiking trails. Previously, the coastline was located near the estate, but now it has moved forward. The dacha turned out to be much farther than the buildings of the same period. Until the Alpine Rose has completely collapsed, you should definitely see the amazing building that once adorned the city.

Alpine rose is located along the Gorky embankment, house 16 D.

Museum of local lore

The exhibition received its first visitors back in 1921. And over the time that has passed since that memorable day, it has grown. Now guests can see over 100,000 artifacts.

Among them:

  • coins, awards
  • weapon
  • archaeological finds in the city and its surroundings
  • ethnographic subjects
  • photo and film documents about the development and formation of the resort city
  • exposition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War

The collection of mosaics of ancient cultures is very popular among visitors. The stand is always crowded. The Center regularly publishes the collection Bulletin of the Museum, prints postcards and booklets. And in order to make the guests more interesting, he introduces modern methods. The museum has interactive screens and audio guides.

The center is located at 11 Duvanovskaya Street.

Monument to the paratroopers

The amphibious assault was landed in Yevpatoria in January 1942. The goal was to divert the forces of the Nazis from Sevastopol and Yalta. The previous operation, which took place in December 1941, was successful. The second landing (landed in January 1942) completed the task assigned to it, but failed to return. The troops sent to help did not manage to break through to the belligerents behind enemy lines.

Of the 700 soldiers, sailors and officers, about a hundred managed to survive. Some of them made their way out of the city and fought in the quarries, the other fought in the surrounding partisan detachments. Major Galushkin remained in Yevpatoria, organized a subversive group and fought for several more months. Killed during a battle with the invaders. The rest of the captured Red Army men and townspeople, taken hostage, were shot at Krasnaya Gorka.

The monument was erected in June 1970 at the 6th kilometer of the P25 highway. A sculptural group of sailors going on the offensive is installed at the height. When visiting the monument, there is a complete feeling of the heroism of the soldiers and the tragedy of the situation: the soldiers went on the attack across a completely open area under continuous enemy fire.

Theater them. A.S. Pushkin

The theater building was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The authors of the project professed different principles: Heinrich professed Art Nouveau, and Seferov - Russian classicism. That is why the building turned out to be bizarre, unlike any other. The hall has amazing acoustics: therefore, the Pushkin Theater is considered the best not only on the peninsula, but in the entire south of Russia.

They performed on the stage of the theater at different times:

  • Mariinsky troupe
  • Moscow Art Theater
  • Faina Ranevskaya
  • Fyodor Chaliapin
  • Vakhtangov
  • Nezhdanova
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky

Today, performances for children and adults are held on the stage, troupes of other theaters are on tour. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose an interesting performance. The theater is located in the historical center, at Teatralnaya Square, building 1. After the performance, the audience often strolls around Duvanovsky Square and the surrounding area.

Greco-Scythian settlement "Chaika"

A Greco-Scythian settlement was discovered by chance, during work on a sand quarry, in 1959. Since the same year, excavations have been carried out annually. They are attended by archaeologists of the Department of History of Moscow State University.

Scientists managed to establish the stages of development of the ancient settlement:

  • Greek (it lasted from the 4th century BC to the 2nd century BC)
  • late Scythian (lasted from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century)
  • Saltovo-Mayatsky (lasted from 8th to 10th century)

At first, the settlement was built as a defensive structure, designed to protect the inhabitants of agriculture from attack. At the same time, the settlement served as a port. Subsequently, after the fire, the military designation came to naught, separate estates-workshops were built. After the Scythians left the settlement, the Saltovo-Mayatsky period began.

The characteristic features of these periods can be seen at the excavation site. You can inspect, go down, take pictures. Heaps of rubbish near the monument are distressing.

The settlement is located in the village of Zaozernoye.

Terentyev's dacha

The amazing house was built in 1910. It immediately became popular: the building was depicted on specific postcards, townspeople and vacationers came here to admire the unusual dacha. One gets the impression that the architect's imagination was not limited by anything: the silhouette of the house can be considered anything but linear. Rumor immediately dubbed the style Evpatoria Art Nouveau. Some representatives of the intelligentsia were sarcastic: a lot of money was spent, but simple taste was not enough.

After the victory of the Bolsheviks, the dacha was turned into a sanatorium. Subsequently, the building was transferred to various departments, but the profile was preserved. During the occupation, the house was lucky: it was not destroyed, so after the liberation of the peninsula, the sanatorium began to work again at the dacha. Today the Zolotoy Bereg sanatorium is located in the house of the merchant Terentyev. The company has been operating since the 60s of the twentieth century.

The dacha is located on Mayakovsky street, house 2.

Moinak lake

Moinak Lake is small (area about 2 square kilometers) and shallow (no more than 1 m). Scientists believe that the origin of the reservoir is estuary. Due to the fact that the lake has no runoff, the water in it is highly mineralized. And the mud lying on the bottom and along the banks contains useful components. This is what attracts tourists here who want to take mud baths for free.

Once Moinak mud was really curative. But in recent decades, there has been an active desalination of the lake, which reduces the salinity of brine. In addition, the predatory treatment of man with the pearl of the peninsula has led to the fact that the fauna of the healing water has changed. Therefore, you should not expect miraculous healing after bathing. But you should definitely enjoy the marvelous views of Lake Moinak.

The lake is located between the streets of the 60th anniversary of the USSR and Polupanov.

Lake Sasyk-Sivash

Sasyk-Sivash is divided by a dam into 2 parts: southern and northern. The result is that in the northern part the water is absolutely pink: this is how archaea algae make it. These algae actively reproduce in salt water. When it rains heavily, the level of mineralization decreases, archaea die, and the water brightens. In hot dry summers, when the sun is shining, the water glows red: a completely surreal picture is created.

And the southern part has become desalinated: now fish live there. And also this part was chosen by swans. At first they were shy, and then they began to swim up to the tourists and even take food from their hands. Sasyk-Sivash is separated from the sea by a narrow isthmus. The banks of the reservoir are steep only in the east, in other places you can safely go down to the water. But you should be careful: the bottom is viscous and oozy, it is unpleasant when walking.

Sasyk-Sivash is located between the cities of Evpatoria and Saki.

Sights of Evpatoria on the map


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