15 best excursions in Kostroma


The ancient city on the Volga River - Kostroma is located 370 kilometers from Moscow. The city is rightfully considered the cradle of the Romanov dynasty. There are many architectural monuments associated with historical events of the 17th - 19th centuries. Local experts of the region - professional guides will always come to the aid of guests seeking to learn as much as possible about the city of Orthodox shrines, the shopping center of North-Eastern Russia and, finally, one of the most beautiful places on the banks of the great Volga. The choice of excursions in Kostroma, offered to tourists, is so wide that every curious visitor can always choose a route to his liking.

Mystery of Kostroma

Once in the Volga city, you should definitely try to get to know its rich historiography as much as possible, inspect significant places and feel the nuances of modern life in Kostroma. A professional guide will help you with this. An expert of the region organizes an educational walk for a group of up to 6 people, which will last 1.5 hours.

Initially, the route starts from the central square of the city, then goes to the Fire Tower, where tourists will visit the Guardhouse. Passing by the house of Senator Borshchov, travelers will hear his mysterious story. It will be interesting for the whole group to take a picture and pat the bronze dog Bobka on the head. Along the route, the accompanying person will tell you what they sold in the Gingerbread, Kalashny, Big flour and Red trading rows. Also, the guide will devote listeners to the details of the tragic fate of Ivan Susanin, a native Kostromich.

Further, the road will lead to the territory of the Kostroma Kremlin. Here guests will find out why it was demolished in due time. From the height of the Kremlin ramparts, you can hold a photo session with views of the river and the city. During the cognitive walk, the guide will entertain the group with riddles, which he himself will solve. The guests will learn what mistake the famous artist Kustodiev made, how the whole river can be hidden, what the Kostroma Snow Maiden is wearing. It will also be curious to find out where the crayfish and dogs are hiding in the local prison and who is called the Kostroma elephants.

History of Russia and the House of Romanov

A sightseeing walk for a group of tourists up to 5 people under the guidance of a professional guide will take 2 hours. Even in such a short time, you can see a lot in the city, learn the history of one of the most remarkable provinces in Russia. A professional connoisseur of local attractions will guide guests through the ancient streets and the historic square, and will try to give them a feel for the atmosphere of the 19th century, one of the rare cities that have preserved the appearance of that time.

During one of the historical periods, the fate of the city was inextricably linked with the house of the Romanovs. More than four centuries ago, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Romanov, was called to the kingdom from the Ipatiev Monastery. From that time on, members of the royal family, assuming the throne, always came to Kostroma. In 1767 Catherine II visited the city.

The profile of the Tver galley, on which the queen arrived, is depicted on the city's coat of arms. The guide will give you a lot of interesting facts from the life of the members of the royal family. From the guide, excursionists will learn about the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, kept in the Epiphany-Anastasina Monastery, located on the territory of the city.

Muravyovka: a walk with a secret

An educational journey along the historic street will last 1 hour. The maximum number of participants in the voyage is 20 people. During the walk, the information is brought to the sightseers in the form of an intellectual game, where the guide asks questions, and he, with the help of prompts, invites the listeners to find the correct answers.
Muravyovka Kostroma call the historical district of the city.

Here, guests will visit the places where the governors, local celebrities and royal persons stayed at one time. Dzerzhinsky Street received its popular name at the time when it was called All Saints. This is due to the name of the Kostroma governor - Muravyov, who in 1852-1853 did a lot to improve the Muravyov descent to the Volga.

During a mini-trip, guests will learn what influenced the formation of the image of Katerina in the play "The Thunderstorm" by the great playwright Alexander Ostrovsky, why Kostroma got rid of a lot of money, what role Emperor Nicholas I played in improving the city's primary education system.

First acquaintance with the city

The walking tour will last 1.5 hours, during which a group of up to 15 people will explore the main attractions in the city center - Susaninskaya Square, Fire Tower, Ostrovsky Rotunda, the historical territory of the ancient Kremlin. Also, the participants will trace the history of the emergence and development of the city over several centuries.

The route starts from the central square, called by the Kostroma people from the old memory of Susaninskaya. Seven main streets radiate from here. Guests will have a view of the administrative, trade and cathedral center of Kostroma. The group will proceed along Mira Avenue, which is called "cultural street" by the locals. Further, tourists will see the Fire Tower, an interesting guardhouse and a monument to the first and last guide of the Polish invaders - Ivan Susanin.

The guide will show you the Alleys of Recognition and Culture, the Romanov Museum, the Noble Assembly and the Theater. Ostrovsky. The route ends with a promenade along Chaikovskogo Street along the facades of the richest mansions of the 18th-19th centuries. In conclusion, the guide will make a stop near the monument to Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, who, along with Moscow, is credited with the founding of Kostroma.

Classic Kostroma

Within 2 hours, a group of up to 6 people, under the guidance of a professional accompanying person, will inspect the most significant sights of the city. The route starts at Susaninskaya Square. The participants of the minitour will learn why the locals call the central square a frying pan, they will inspect the building of the Guardhouse, the house of General Borshchov.

Of particular interest for tourists will be a walk along the eighteen buildings of the Trade Rows and an inspection of the Fire Tower. While getting acquainted with the architecture of the building of the Noble Assembly, the group learns to which famous Kostroma it belonged. Further, the guests will visit the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery, hear the history of its origin.

The guide will tell you a lot of interesting things from the biographies of famous fellow countrymen such as playwright Ostrovsky, artist Kustodiev and poet Nekrasov. After inspecting the monument to Yuri Dolgorukov, the accompanying person will tell why the Kostroma people are so reverent about the feat of Ivan Susanin and why Kostroma is called the cradle of the House of Romanov.

Sweet life

An entertaining walk with an all-knowing connoisseur of the native land will last 1.5 hours. A group of inquisitive guests of up to 20 people will walk the route through iconic places where locals rested and had fun at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Guests will visit the Gingerbread Rows, go to the city park, where they will hear stories about how the “golden” youth of that time had fun.

The main time of an entertaining voyage will be devoted to the development of the confectionery business, the competition for the ownership of recipes, and city establishments in the past. A visit to a pastry shop will be entertaining, where you will be invited to participate in a master class on making chocolate. The cost of participation in this event is paid additionally.

Soul walk around the city

A two-hour route for a group of up to 8 people will pass through the significant places of the city.Having received a huge amount of information about a large cultural center on the Volga from an all-knowing guide, guests of Kostroma will go from the monument to the founder of the city to Susaninskaya Square, visit the old shopping arcade, see the Fire Tower, and get acquainted with the interesting architecture of the Guardhouse. Walking along the ancient streets, sightseers will hear from the local connoisseur of history about the remarkable mansions and their famous owners in the past.

It will be interesting to learn little-known facts from the biographies of famous Kostroma residents such as playwright Ostrovsky, painter Kustodiev and poet Nekrasov. The route manager will tell you where and how the annual fairs were held and why the main one was called the Ninth. The walk will end with a visit to the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery, where believers can touch the myrrh-streaming icons and receive a blessing.

The city from under the artist's brush

An educational walk for a group of up to 40 people lasts 6 hours. The route includes a walking promenade through significant places in Kostroma. You will visit Susaninskaya Square, admire the Fire Tower, walk along the old shopping arcade. The guide will take you to the Cathedral Mountain, where in the first decade of the 15th century a wooden fortress was laid by Prince Vasily the Dark, which laid the foundation for the city.

Participants will visit the Five-domed Church of the Resurrection, erected in honor of the victory over Napoleon, then visit the temple complex, consisting of the winter Vvedenskaya and summer Trinity churches. A visit to the Levitan Museum will leave an indelible impression on the paintings of the great artist. The apotheosis of the trip will be a steamer ride on the water surface of the deep-water area of ​​the Volga, called Plyos.

The participants of the miniature will see delightful coastal landscapes against the background of Plyos. The cost of the route includes a roundtrip bus transfer. Tickets to the Levitan Museum are paid additionally on the spot.

Come see and fall in love

The route is designed for a group of up to 10 people and will last 2 hours. Meeting with the guide will take place at the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky. Then the guests of the city will walk in an organized way through the historical center, including a visit to Susanskaya Square, inspection of the provincial public places, Fire Tower, Gostiny Dvor with Trade Rows.

Further, the journey will continue on the territory of the Kremlin, destroyed in ancient times. After visiting the Epiphany Cathedral, the accompanying person will invite the participants of the tour to go up to the observation deck, where amazing views of the Volga, the city and the Ipatiev Monastery will open from a 30-meter height. Further, walking along one of the central streets with rays radiating from Susanskaya Square, it will be interesting to examine the facades of the mansions of the nobility and merchants of the 19th century, having heard from the accompanying person a lot of interesting things about their owners.

The walk will end with a story of the unusual history of the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery and a visit to the Epiphany Cathedral. Where believers can venerate the miraculous image of Theodorovskaya Mother of God.

Cradle of kings

A group of up to 10 people meets with a guide at the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky. The cognitive walk lasts 4 hours. During this time, guests of the city will visit the central Susaninskaya Square, from where they will go to the Trading Rows, representing arcade architecture, and see an unusual tower - the Fire Tower. Further, the participants of the voyage will visit the Epiphany Cathedral in the Epiphany-Anastasi nunnery, where the holy relic of the royal dynasty of the Romanovs is kept - the miraculous icon of Theodorovskaya Mother of God.

Then the group will move by car to the Ipatiev Lavra (male monastery). Among the snow-white walls with golden domes, the participants of the route will learn from the escort how the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery was associated with the Godunov family, and why the monastery is considered the font of the Romanov royal dynasty. Against the background of the most beautiful examples of Russian Orthodox architecture, you can hold one of the best photo sessions during your entire stay in the city.

To the moose farm and the jewelry capital of Russia

An entertaining trip is designed for a group of tourists up to 40 people and will last 5 hours. The original route combines two journeys of completely different topics. The first voyage is a trip to a nature reserve located 20 kilometers from Kostroma. This is a kind of elk farm, where animals live almost in the natural conditions of the natural landscape.

Here you will have the opportunity to observe the life of the elk, to see very small elk while feeding. A local guide will tell you a lot about the life and habits of elk. Farmers will certainly treat visitors to moose milk, which is given by forest "cows". The second part of the tour is a trip to the village of Krasnoe-on-Volga, which proudly bears the title of the jewelry capital of Russia. On the way to the destination, accompanying the group about the origin of the local jewelry craft from time immemorial.

Arriving at the place, the guests will go to the Krasnoselsky Museum of Jewelry and Folk Applied Arts, where they will see collections of jewelry made from filigree - these are openwork patterns made of twisted or soldered gold, silver and copper thin wires, which are folded into a configuration for different purposes of products. After examining the exposition, the museum shop offers visitors to purchase samples of this rare type of jewelry art.

Yaroslavl and Kostroma in one day

The route is designed for a group of up to 8 people and will last 7 hours. Tour participants can take their children with them. A rich and capacious journey will take place through two glorious cities of North-Eastern Russia. The organization of an auto tour implies the use of private transport or a rented minivan for the movement of tourists (for an additional fee).

Initially, guests arrive from Kostroma to Yaroslavl. While sightseeing and walking along the embankment, travelers will hear from the foundation of Yaroslavl, accompanying the legend, see the masterpieces of temple architecture in the historical center, and learn how a bear with an ax appeared on the city's coat of arms. The traveler will visit the central square, where the temple of Elijah the Prophet stands with the chapel of Our Lady of Kazan.

The guide will tell curious listeners the history of the origin and prosperity of the salt industry in the century before last. Returning to Kostroma, tourists can take a picture against the background of the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, walk to the Fire Tower and admire the unusual architecture of the Guardhouse. In the Ipatiev Monastery, the guide will tell you how they managed to persuade and summon 16-year-old Mikhail Fedorovich, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, to the kingdom.

Wooden architecture

The cognitive walk is designed for a group of up to 10 people and lasts 1.5 hours. The route is completely dedicated to the Kostroma Museum of Wooden Architecture. Outside the city, on the banks of the Igumenka River, an open-air ethnographic exhibition is located. The best examples of wooden houses and structures are collected here. Guests will see modest peasant huts and luxurious towers, the facades of which are lined up along a single-row street.

Here you can find buildings erected without a single nail, admire the two-tiered Elias Church and an unusual chapel. A feature of the museum is that visitors can view houses, huts and outbuildings from the inside. Tourists will feel the atmosphere of everyday life of the 18th - 19th centuries, learn how the peasants lived, what they dressed and what their children played. Here you can compare the living conditions of artisans and timber traders. It will be interesting to examine such household items as a ruble, a spinning wheel and so on.

Legends of the Kostroma Trans-Volga region

An educational walk led by a local expert, designed for a group of up to 10 people, lasts 3 hours. During this time, tourists will walk along the mountainous part of the Volga bank, from where the guests of the city will have picturesque views of the Ipatiev Monastery and the reconstructed Kremlin. Next, the group will visit the Temple of the Holy Prophet Elijah, built in the middle of the 17th century.

Along the way, the guide will tell the history of the village "Gorodishche", give some little-known facts from the life of the Morozov boyars and describe the ancient traditions of the inhabitants of the settlements. After passing the picturesque streets of the Spasskaya Sloboda, travelers will come to the Transfiguration Cathedral. On weekends and religious holidays, services are held here.

After that, the participants of the route will meet with the descendants of the commander of the streltsy army in his house. From here in 1551 Russian soldiers set off on a campaign against Kazan. The journey ends with an ascent up Streletskaya Street and a visit to the Church of the Holy Martyrs in the village of Selishche.

To Nerekhta - a city from the chronicles

An educational trip is organized for a group of up to 40 people. The journey will take about 7 hours. Walking through the old town of Nerekhta, guests will feel the atmosphere of the past centuries. Tourists will visit the shopping arcade of the century before last, see the Vladimirskaya, Voskresenskaya churches and the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. After that, the participants of the voyage will find themselves on the territory of the Nerekhta nunnery, where they can get drunk and wash themselves with the healing water from the monastery spring.

After that, it will be interesting to visit the Lavrovskaya Factory of Artistic Painting. On the spot, the guide will reveal the secrets of making wooden toys. Guests will receive a master class and will be able to do art painting on their own. Taking their "works of authorship" with them, the excursionists will return to Kostroma.


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