Strokkur geyser in Iceland


Would you like to travel to those corners of the world that boast amazing natural phenomena and unique attractions? Today we are going on a tourist visit to the Haukadalur Valley, which is located among the rich in exotic landscapes of the surroundings of Iceland. The valley has long won love among tourists with its unique nature and simply a huge number of natural springs and reservoirs for every taste. This is why it is included in the so-called Golden Circle route of many tourist groups.

Divine landscapes of the volcanic island

In the cold waters of the Atlantic, not far from the Arctic Circle, there is a unique and, one might even say, a fabulous island with a unique nature - Iceland. The beauty here is unusual, even a little harsh and ascetic. On the entire area of ​​the island, there are dozens of scorching geysers that explode here and there like soap bubbles. Numerous ancient volcanoes echo them. And this whole vivid picture is completed by the masses of huge glaciers sliding down from the tops of the mountains.

The most striking place on the island - the Valley of Geysers - is located just a hundred kilometers from the Icelandic capital. Even at the entrance to it, an unusual picture opens before the eyes of inspired tourists. Huge clouds of steam alternately soar upward, as if saluting the next thrill-seekers. It is thanks to this unique natural phenomenon that Iceland has received the nickname "Smoky Harbor".

Iceland itself is a unique place on the planet. Extreme activity of tectonic processes is observed here. And the island itself is nothing more than a huge column of lava that has been rising from the depths of the ocean for centuries. There are similar phenomena in other regions of the world, one of which is also part of Russia (Kamchatka).

Icelandic Valley Symbols

Every year thousands of tourists and simply those who have a weakness for spectacular natural phenomena and scenic spots come to admire the local beauty. There are about 40 hot springs here, among which Blaise Lake, famous all over the world for its unusually turquoise waters, deserves special attention.

But the real symbols of the valley are considered to be the Strokkur and Geysir geysers, which are among the most powerful on the planet. Being close to these natural wonders creates a deceptive impression that they have their own soul, and their mood can change several times a day. As if we are in the abode of Mother Nature herself, where everything boils and rages, striking the imagination with its outlandish actions.

Both geysers erupt their waters from the depths of the earth at different intervals. If Geysir pleases tourists only a couple of times a day (sometimes fading for several weeks or even months) with grandiose jets of water, which sometimes reach 60 meters in height, then Strokkur gives vivid emotions every ten minutes, and sometimes he manages to shoot several jets in a row. The maximum height of such a steam-water flow reaches 20-30 meters.

As much as you would not like to come closer to the geyser, this should not be done under any circumstances. The temperature of the boiling water is so high that it can easily leave unpleasant memories in the form of severe burns. Agree, then there will be no time for tourist excursions and photography. At the same time, the Icelandic services took care of the safety of visitors, so they fenced off the most dangerous areas. Now even children can witness this striking natural phenomenon, and their parents will not worry about their safety.

How the natural "fountain" works

The whole process originates in the depths of the earth's crust. The lower layers, which are under constant pressure from the upper layers of water, heat up and release a huge amount of steam. Rumor has it that the water in the earth's crust heats up to 120 degrees. Over time, hot streams rise upward. The temperature difference causes boiling, which ends with an enchanting release of steam and millions of splashes several meters into the sky. One gets the impression that the sprays are competing with each other, trying to surpass the speed and altitude of their rivals.

Immediately after the splash, the water recedes into the mouth of the geyser, but a second later it comes out again, as if studying the reaction of tourists who have just witnessed an impressive show. The approach of the next eruption can be predicted. Not long before this, a noticeable pulsation of water begins in the throat of the geyser. This happens under the influence of steam, which accumulates in the lower layers and rushes to the top. Well, before throwing out the water, a kind of bubble forms in the geyser, which is about to burst, which makes even the most daring tourists slowly move back. Under the influence of steam, the bubble collapses and an eruption occurs.

As a rule, in one such "approach" there is only a one-time release of water, but sometimes you can witness a whole cycle of eruptions. It is believed that it is difficult to find two identical geysers on the planet, and the Icelandic representatives of these natural "fountains" are the brightest and most impressive. Everyone should see the Strokkur geyser with their own eyes at least once in their life. Memorable pictures, vivid memories and unique sensations are guaranteed to everyone without exception.

It is interesting that Strokkur appeared a little later than his "elder brother" Geysir. It is the latter that is considered its ancestor and main creator. Earthquakes, which until recently were the hallmark of the island, had a significant impact on its formation and work.

A tourist route

Well, are you already looking forward to your meeting with the brightest representatives of the geyser family? Then let's figure out a tourist route that will allow you not to miss out on many more interesting things. Iceland is rich in vibrant landscapes and unusual natural attractions.

Going to Iceland, you should definitely make your route through the Tingvellir Valley (which is better known as the Tinga Fields National Park) and the Gullfoss Falls, which are also part of the above-mentioned Golden Tourist Ring.

The most optimal route would be from the capital of the island through the valley of geysers, which is only a few tens of kilometers away. And the Big Geyser and Strokkur Geyser will have to get at least 100 km. But, take my word for it, you will not be bored at all on the way. Wonderful landscapes, blue skies with shaggy clouds of bizarre shapes and rapidly changing weather - all this will give you vivid impressions of being on this distant, almost polar land.

Even if you decide to travel using public transport, the trip will not take more than a couple of hours. But most tourists prefer to travel with a rented car, the prices for which are quite modest here. Well, for special tourists who crave not only new experiences, but also cannot live without extreme sports, there is always an opportunity to rent a snowmobile.

If you are in Iceland for the first time and are poorly guided by the terrain, numerous guides will help you organize your weekend correctly. As a rule, sightseeing under the guidance of a professional guide takes 7-8 hours, so you should think about preparing sandwiches and hot tea.

We will also give approximate prices for excursions.Thus, a trip along the Golden Ring with stops at the most striking sights on a comfortable bus will cost each tourist about $ 70. There is a system of discounts for children, which allows you to save about half of the indicated cost on a ticket for tourists under 12 years old.

Prefer to travel separately from noisy groups? Then a company offering car rental services is waiting for you. The cost of such pleasure is $ 290 for each adult traveler and $ 145 for children.

Undoubtedly, the most comfortable trip will be in your own car. It is economical, convenient and cultural. You can choose where to stop and not worry about falling behind the general group. In this case, you should be extremely careful while driving. The specific climate contributes to the formation of ice on the roads, which increases the risk of accidents in some areas at times. Be careful and happy discoveries in Iceland!

In addition to the Strokkur geyser, there is a lot to see in Iceland. I recommend checking out another popular attraction - Jokulsarlon Glacial Lake in Iceland.


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