15 best parks of Yalta


The holiday season on the southern coast of Crimea does not end with the onset of autumn. Guests continue to come to this cozy corner. The sea has already cooled down, but the natural beauty is still attractive to tourists. The weather is warm in the south, you can walk and enjoy the surrounding landscapes. Yalta parks are always interesting places. Wild nature and man-made objects are bizarrely combined here. Time flies by on the territory. And for some reason I definitely want to come back here again.

Seaside park

An amazing place for a relaxing holiday in nature. The recreation area stretches along the coast for as much as 2 km and is a natural continuation of the embankment. It is always crowded here: in the heat it is nice to hide in the shady alleys, and in the evening - to stroll along the seashore, breathing in the enchanting scent of roses.

There are a lot of flower beds: some of them have plants that bloom in the evening. And around these fragrant buds curl like hummingbirds moths - common tongues. In front of the main entrance, guests see 2 sculptures: the bronze Petrel of the Revolution and the stone A.P. Chekhov. These writers lived and worked in the city for a long time, at the same time undergoing treatment.

Part of the territory is occupied by Zheltushevsky beach. On the picturesque slopes, old, chaotic, planting and modern landscape alternate. This combination makes the recreation area especially attractive. The central alley leads visitors to an observation deck and an unusual pool. It completely repeats the outlines of the Black and Azov Seas with a peninsula. Great shots are made here.

Guests of the South Shore have the opportunity to settle in a marvelous corner during their holidays. A balneological sanatorium and several hotels have been built on the territory. It's easy to get here: just move along the embankment to the northwest.

Massandra park

The oldest recreation area: the first guests visited it in the 20s of the 19th century. When planning the architect, he used the natural features of the area: 3 terraces go down from the palace. At the time, it was an innovative solution. Today, not only endemics grow on the territory (high juniper, butcher's broom, stupid pistachio, Crimean pine, fluffy oak), but also inhabitants of other parts of the world (cedars, laurels, adorable fir, large-flowered magnolia).

The guests have adapted perfectly and live wonderfully on the peninsula. Massandra is a unique place where both heat-loving plants and inhabitants of northern latitudes grow. There are ponds on the territory. Turtles and fish feel comfortable in them. There are many more flowers that delight guests from spring to late autumn. A local woodcarver created a whole town of fairy-tale characters.

This place is loved by adults and children. Unfortunately, not all 42 hectares have been ennobled. Part of the territory is neglected. The once wide avenues have turned into impassable thickets, the ponds have long been covered with duckweed. There is a lack of funds and attention from local authorities. You can get to the pearl of the South Coast by bus or car from Yalta. You should stop at the Lower Massandra.

Aquapark "Atlantis"

Atlantis is the largest water park on the peninsula: its area is close to 4 hectares. But the main difference between Atlantis is that the legendary sunken city was built on the territory. Yes, real Atlanteans meet visitors.

Both children and adults willingly come here. After all, Atlantis has a great set of entertainment. What is the legendary Virage worth. Guests alternately experience the sensation of free fall and overload in a loop. And all this happens at a height of 22 meters. Extreme sports are also a great way to raise your adrenaline.

It is as tall and closed as the Virage, but there is no dead loop. Height and age restrictions apply to these rides. And the Fast and the Furious roller coaster embodies the tradition of roller coasters, but on the water. This is the longest slide in Atlantis.

But the water park also offers additional services:

  • you can order a VIP zone for a small company
  • leave things in the storage room
  • park your car in a paid parking lot

No one will be hungry in Atlantis. There is a cozy restaurant on the territory. It serves European and Crimean Tatar cuisine. In the banquet hall you can arrange a birthday party or just have dinner with a pleasant company of friends.

Atlantis is located on Kommunarov Street, 7A.

Zoo "Fairy Tale"

You can spend the whole day in the Fairy Tale without getting bored. There are a lot of animals in the zoo, you can not only admire them, but also treat them. The organizers are allowed to be photographed with the young. A photo with a tiger cub or a leopard kitten looks quite original.

The territory is designed in the spirit of legends (the name is quite justified). Shady alleys intertwine, open-air cages with animals suddenly open. A simple walk turns into an unpredictable adventure. In some corners there are ponds with fountains. There are benches nearby for a quiet rest.

To prevent guests from wandering in the labyrinths of the Fairy Tale, at the entrance everyone is handed a card (along with a ticket). Not without a contact Grandmother's yard. Here city children get to know the inhabitants of the village barnyard. It's nice to stroke a fluffy bunny or kid, hold a downy chicken in your palms. Adults are also interested in watching the life of the village dwellers.

It is located in a mountainous area, but the inconvenient climb is forgotten after the first minutes of communication with the inhabitants of the Fairy Tale.

Dreamwood Amusement Park

Those who are not indifferent and active come to Dreamwood. Only here the guests have the opportunity to turn from an ordinary person into a researcher.

A variety of directions are offered:

  • the mountains
  • wind
  • the woods
  • water

Dreamwood organizers did everything to ensure that visitors were completely immersed in the element of their choice (perhaps in several elements at once). What in ordinary life escapes the tired eye suddenly becomes simple and understandable. A group of friends or family will readily share new emotions. Dreamwood offers guests so many destinations that it is simply impossible to visit everything in one go.

The listing will take some time:

  • robotics classes
  • quests by interests
  • rope track
  • mini golf

Experienced Dreamwood staff supervise the progress of the activities. In case of difficulty, guests can count on help. A birthday spent in Dreamwood will be remembered for a long time. For the specified number of invitees, their age and interests, the administration of the center will develop an interesting program. Dreamwood is located in the suburbs, in the village of Opolznevoe.

Japanese Garden "Six Senses"

The kindergarten covers an area of ​​about 6 hectares. Six Senses is the largest Japanese garden on the European continent. But this is not what the visitors appreciate. The garden was designed by a landscape designer from Japan - Shiro Nakane. To make his plans come true, he ordered all the designs at home. According to Mr. Nakane, even stones had to be transported from the Land of the Rising Sun in order to convey the atmosphere as much as possible.

At first glance, Six Senses is a common oriental-style complex. Winding paths, stones, dry streams, bridges and pools with colored koe carp. But the garden is located on the territory of the hotel, so the list of entertainments has been expanded.

Guests are offered:

  • excursions where the guides talk about the traditions of Japan
  • tea ceremony
  • relaxation in the thermal complex
  • immersion in the open fonts onsen
  • Bath Rotenburo with premium hot tubs

Those who are fond of the history of the east, it will be useful to follow the path of the samurai.During an unforgettable excursion, guests will get acquainted with the traditional melee weapons of Japan. The Six Senses Garden is located in the suburbs, in the village of Opolznevoe, on the territory of the Black Sea Park.

Livadia park

There are not only picturesque alleys, the air filled with pine needles and the scent of roses, cozy corners and observation platforms, but also an abundance of historical and architectural monuments. People come to Livadia to relax from the bustle of cities, admire the landscapes and study the history of Russia.

Guests will certainly walk along the Tsar's path. It lasts 7 km, and the air is saturated with a mixture of essential oils and sea freshness. Nicholas II believed that a walk through the forest was very beneficial to health. The Italian courtyard is remarkable because it was chosen by cinematographers. He is immortalized in The Dog in the Hay, the Gadfly, Anna Karenina.

At the Arabian Courtyard, visitors stop to admire the Maria Fountain. It is very cozy here, fragments of oriental majolica have been preserved. The page building is located on the territory. It once trained the elite of the Russian army. Today the building is occupied by a boarding house. The palace of Baron Fredericks stands separately.

The baron ensured the safety of the royal family and, on duty, was obliged to live nearby. It is a very beautiful building in a modern style. The Exaltation of the Cross Church is rightfully considered the pearl of the complex. Here the last emperor swore allegiance to his country. The temple is built of white marble imported from Italy.

The complex is located on the slope of Mount Mogabi.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Since 1812 Nikitsky Botanical Garden has been conducting scientific work. Its founder, Steven, fulfilled the task assigned to him: to develop agriculture in Russia. And today the NBS team is engaged in research activities. But ordinary guests love the botanical garden for something else.

Here you can leisurely stroll along the shady alleys, looking at amazing plants, breathing in the air filled with a mixture of the smells of flowers, pine needles and heated oils. From the viewpoints located in the upper part, an amazing panorama opens up. In the central part there are pools that collect water for irrigation of plants.

The garden is divided into zones. It is unusual to walk around the part occupied by succulents. They grow in the very sun, among stones, on poor soil. Some throw away flower buds. A maze of laurel trees makes guests nervous: it is not so easy to get out of it, despite the placed signs.

The butterfly garden is always crowded. For a small fee, you can see the birth of a tropical beauty and even take pictures with her. And of course, the center of attraction is the rose garden. There are especially many visitors here in June. On a small territory, roses from all over the world are represented. The employees selected the varieties so that flowering continues until the onset of cold weather.

In October-November, a chrysanthemum ball is held in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Some tourists come here specifically to enjoy the stunning spectacle.


The exhibition began with the temporary exhibition Dinosaurs in Crimea. The interest in it was so great that the organizers decided to turn the thematic exhibition into a permanent one. The location was not chosen by chance: there are plants in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden - contemporaries of dinosaurs. Therefore, lizards live in an almost natural environment.

Guests have a unique opportunity. They will not only admire the unique exhibits and study their habits, but also delve into the basics of the most interesting science - paleontology. With lizards, great photos are obtained, and ancient plants serve as a natural decoration. The exposition is so natural that some especially impressionable tourists panic. Therefore, before the excursion, the guide usually explains that the authenticity of the giants is a feature of the center, and there is nothing to worry about.

Lizards can move their paws, beat their tails, open their mouths and growl. To avoid accidental injury, it is not recommended to go behind the fences. All exhibits are provided with plates, so you can inspect the territory yourself. Toddlers (and some adults as well) can play paleontologists. The skeleton of an ancient dinosaur is buried in a sandbox that follows the contours of a dinosaur. It is proposed to dig it out with special scoops.

Located on the territory of the NBS, near the Orchid Garden and the Butterfly Pavilion.

Pioneer park

In the place of Kuchuk-Saray, the manufacturer Mesaksudi built an estate. After nationalization, the park became public, but Yalta residents called it by the name of its former owner for a long time. For a long time this recreation area was in desolation, but now, after reconstruction, it is very pleasant to spend time here.

The territory is divided into zones. One of them has a bike path and a scooter track, the other has benches. Moreover, you can accommodate as a fun company or sit down alone. The paths are neatly paved with tiles and trees are planted along them. Both endemics and inhabitants of other parts of the country are represented.

Hungry guests are invited to a cozy cafe. The prices in it are quite democratic, and the dishes are delicious. You can eat inside or on the open veranda. There are playgrounds for children at different ends of the territory. Those who are older enjoy visiting the attractions. While the kids are having fun, parents can rest in the shade on benches.

The recreation area is located along the picturesque Vodopadnaya river.

Kalinin Square

Created in the post-war period on the site of the town of Jalita. The hotel and cinema were badly damaged and beyond repair. They were demolished. But in order to break up a cozy park, it was necessary to remove some of the stones from the ground, and then bring in a new, fertile one. Trees, shrubs, perennial and annual flowers were planted.

Today the square is part of the famous embankment. It starts at the well-known umbrellas. A distinctive feature of the park is 2 old cedars and 2 birches. Birches were brought from Poland, they miraculously took root in the hot climate of the South Coast. Today, a small area is always filled with the scent of flowers. It was the workers of the local Zelenstroy who tried to select varieties and hybrids.

Kalinin Square is located on the embankment, not far from Ekaterininskaya Street.


A new home for young individuals of the Alushta aquarium. But such a house where the oldest inhabitants of the planet not only live comfortably, but also bring offspring. This is the goal set by the organizers. Today, the center houses an extensive collection of reptile species. Guests are invited not only to walk between the aquariums, to observe the habits of dangerous inhabitants of the planet, but also to feed them.

In addition to crocodiles, guests will see:

  • vulture turtles
  • pythons
  • monitor lizards
  • iguana
  • snake-necked turtles
  • African protopter
  • snapping turtles
  • turtles matamata

Crocodilarium is located on Ignatenko street, house 1.


Despite the fact that the exposition has been receiving visitors for more than 20 years, work on organizing the space continues. The organizers are planning to increase the collection, and this requires additional premises.
In terrariums and aquariums, representatives of the fauna of the whole world feel great.

Here you can see:

  • brocade catfish from Peru
  • carapace alligator from Central America
  • maracanta from Indonesia

For each inhabitant, conditions are created that are as close to natural as possible. The salinity of water, its temperature, biological composition, even neighbors are taken into account. It is especially interesting to watch the feeding of the animals. It takes place at a specific time, which you can find out at the ticket office. Therefore, it is worth guessing the session in advance.

Located on Drazhinsky street, house 50.

Lower Oreanda Park

In the nineteenth century, this place was a desert rock, overgrown with sparse vegetation. But Lev Pototsky saw more in him.He bought the lands and began to ennoble them. Subsequently, the estate belonged to the Romanov family. After the October coup, the estate was nationalized.

Today Nizhnaya Oreanda is a favorite place for walks of Crimeans and guests of the peninsula. There are many places here that are not found anywhere else. The winding paths suddenly lead to viewpoints, from which an excellent panorama opens up. The shadow is created by trees brought from different parts of the planet.

Stackenschneider's Swan Lake continues to attract tourists. Swans live in the pool, and tulip trees are planted around. There are benches around the 300-year-old plane tree. It is pleasant to relax on them in the shade of the branches of a century-old tree. Even in Oreanda, there is a pump room from which you can drink healing water.

Miskhorsky park

Miskhor recreation area is a specially protected area. After the collapse of the USSR, it suffered greatly due to unauthorized development and vandalism of local residents. But today the park has been cleared and landscaped. Despite the unfavorable period, unique plants have been preserved here. Visitors are greeted by oaks planted in the time of Potemkin, sequoias, yew, scarlet cannes, Himalayan cedars, bamboo, Arizona firs.

You can not only travel along the alleys, but also visit themed events organized by local sanatoriums. Playgrounds are organized for children. The pride of the center is the palm alley, which was laid by Kebakh himself at the beginning of the 19th century. Its length is 120 meters.

Yalta parks on the map


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